20.03 th 2002, This is a RTCW - Single Level ======= a Level for RTCW ======== Map Title : tomb3 Map Author : Priv E-Mail : privater@hot.ee HomePage : http://www.hot.ee/private ===================================================== The Tomb3 map contiues map series connected with one story. And its a logical continuation of maps tomb1 and tomb2. ================= Installation ======================== If you didn't install previous versions of tomb1 and tomb2 I recommend you to get them. Download tomb.zip archive. http://www.mapcenter.ee/priv/tomb.zip This archive contains tomb1_2.pk3 file whcih has tomb1 and tomb2 maps. Just unzip tomb.zip into /main directory within your RTCW directory. In case you downloaded earlier versions of maps tomb1,tomb2,tomb3, you have to delete files tomb3.bsp ,tomb3_b0.aas and tomb3_b1.aas files within /main/maps directory. Now unzip tomb3 into the /main directory. This archive contains tomb3.pk3 and tomb4.pk3 files whcih has tomb3 and tomb4 maps. tomb4.pk3 -It is a temporary file for correct end of a map tomb3. In the future, when the level tomb4 will be made, this file will be replaced To run map pull down the console with ~ key and type spdevmap tomb1 or spdevmap tomb2 or spdevmap tomb3, depends on the map you stopped playing for the last time. Currently there are further maps developing. Stay tuned and visit our site. ===================== Tech Info ====================== Work Station : Pentium III 700 mhz, 256RAM, GeFor.256 DDR ,Windows 98 Editor Used : GTKRadiant 1.2.4 ===================================================== Priv © 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------