Installation: ------------ Unzip all the contents to your "Return to Castle Wolfenstein/Main" folder and leave the directory structure intact. Author: ------------ Marko ICQ#: 86320900 Description: ------------ This map is a sort a very big improvement of the "Old Town" map for RTCW that I released in January. All the objectives, the scripting and spawn points are fixed, and the map is now 3 times larger than it used to be. The connectivity and texturing has also been changed in quite a few places in order to improve FPS and gameplay Mission Objectives: -------------------- Axis Forces have built a hidden X-Lab in a bombed town where they lead experiments on local people. A group of Allies have been sent over to find the entrance to the X-Lab and detroy the X-Lab Machinery which generates the power for the lab equipment. Allies objectives: 1.Destroy the Axis X-Lab Entrance Door 2.Destroy the Axis X-Lab Machinery 3.Capture the Town Castle Area Axis objectives: 1.Protect the Axis X-Lab Entrance Door 2.Protect the Axis X-Lab Machinery 3.Reclaim the Town Castle Area