[][]------------------- MAP INFORMATION ------------------------[][] MAP NAME: Military Complex Version: 2.0.1 Author: Syke0ne Email: Jake0ne@hotmail.com Description: Your placed outside an axis military complex. Your objective is to steal the top secret documents and escape the complex installation base in the truck. Enjoi the map! [][]------------------- MAP INSTALLATION ------------------------[][] Extract the mp_complex.pk3 file into your RTCW MAIN directory e.g.(C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\Main) You can then launch it from the MP menu or join a server which has mp_complex installed. [][]------------------- Special Thanks To: ---------------------[][] THE H.O.P. CLAN - Haze, Goku, Omega, Epic, and everyone else who helped me along the way :P. [][]------------------- MISC. CRAP :P --------------------------[][] For best gameplay i suggest limiting to 20 - 30 players. If you have any questions/comments hit me up at Jake0ne@hotmail.com. And if you got an OC3 be sure to add this map to your asenal! Thanks for downloading The Military Complex Map! --Peace -- Syke0ne -- H.O.P. [][]-------------------===============--------------------------[][]