[][]------------------- MAP INFORMATION ------------------------[][] MAP NAME: Military Complex (updated) Version: 2.2.9 Author: Syke0ne Email: Jake0ne@hotmail.com WHATS NEW: All Re-spawn points are now working properly. Added an addition room for the documents to toughen the objective for the allies. Minor texture fixes and lighting additions/fixes. Description: A top secret military complex located just outside germany's "black forest" has been installed to send and recieve top secret messages with the use of the enigma transmitter. Located in the rear of the complex is a documents room which contains the manual to decode the enigma machines top secret messages. The allied forces have been sent in to take these documents and escape via the allied truck. Enjoi the map! [][]------------------- MAP INSTALLATION ------------------------[][] Extract the mp_complex.pk3 file into your RTCW MAIN directory e.g.(C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\Main) You can then launch it from the MP menu or join a server which has mp_complex installed. [][]------------------- Special Thanks To: ---------------------[][] THE H.O.P. CLAN, HazeX, Goku, Omega, Epic, and everyone else who contributed and tested this map :P. [][]------------------- MISC. CRAP :P --------------------------[][] For best gameplay i suggest limiting to 20 - 30 players. If you have any questions/comments hit me up at Jake0ne@hotmail.com. And if you got an OC3 be sure to add this map to your asenal! Dankas for downloading The Military Complex Map version 2.o! --All The Best! -- Syke0ne -- H.O.P. [][]-------------------===============--------------------------[][]