MP Level for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. English Part: ======================================== Map description: The Axis are going to invent a new rocket type, with that the are able to destroy hole cities many thousand kilometers away from germany. But in the year 1944 they are loosing more and more military bases from where they can start that rocket. So they build a new at the south of germany. Now allied spies found that out and want to destroy that new base. Your mission is to destroy the rocket launching ramp, without that the can not start that rocket. To make much more damage you should also destroy the gasoline supply line. Without that two important installations they need a long time to rebuild the base.To get a faster way to the main objects the allies are able to destroy the main gate. ======================================== Objectives: Allies: 1)Destroy the Rocket Launching Ramp. 2)Destroy the Fuelsupply Line. 3)Destroy the Main Gate Axis: 1)Defend the Rocket Launching Ramp. 2)Defend the Fuelsupply Line. 3)Defend the Main Gate ======================================== Map Info: Title: MP_Rocket (away) BETA 4 Release: 16/04/2002 Filename: mp_rocket.pk3 Mapname: mp_rocket Filesize: 2.3 MB Author: Rustie E-mail: Homepage: Gametypes: WolfMP, Stopwatch Players: max. 16 ======================================== Technical Info: No of brushes: 2249 No of entities: 599 Build time: 4 months BSP: < 1 minute VIS: < 2 minutes LIGHT: 1 1/4 hour Compile PC: Celeron 600@900, 384MB Ram Editors used: WolfRadiant, WolfCompile, Easygen. Custom models: no Custom sounds: no Custom textures:no ======================================== Installation: Just extract the mp_rocket.pk3 into your "return to castle wolfenstein/main" folder. You can play the map by choosing the map in the server options or by opening the console and type "map mp_rocket". ======================================== Credits: First credit must be given to Grey Matter/Nerve/ID for this fantastic game. Thank also goes to the forum, and the many peoply who made great tutorials for the community,Sandman for the levelshot, Dukemaker for his criticism and Smeagol for beta testing ======================================== Feedback: Feel free to email me your comments, suggestions or bugs. ======================================== Copyright / Permissions You may NOT distribute this archive in any format. NOTHING may be used from this pk3 without prior permission from the authors. ========================================