WOLFY MAPS - POWEscape Release Candidate 2 - Public Release Description : Multiplayer Objective map for RTCW Title : POW Escape Date : 9th January, 2003 pk3 name : mp_powescape_rc2.pk3 Filename : mp_powescape_rc2.bsp Author : Codey Email Address : mailto:tas2098@hotmail.com Web : http://wolfy.rtcwfiles.com Base : New level from scratch New sounds? : YES NEW Graphics? : YES Editor used : GTK Radiant 1.2.11 Compiler : Q3MAP 2.3.33 FEEDBACK ======== As this is a pre-release map, there are likely to be some issues with gameplay or some other aspect to cause the game to act in an un-intended way. The map has been released in this form so we can obtain feedback from people such as you about these problems. Please direct any feedback to our forums available from the website above. INSTRUCTIONS ============ Extract the file "mp_powescape_rc2.pk3" to your rtcw/main folder. To start a server selet POWESCAPE RC2 option from the map list in game. NOTE: RECOMMENDED SETTINGS FOR RUNNING THE MAP ---------------------------------------------- COM_HUNKMEGS If the map fails to load on startup or you get a hunk allocation error message, you'll need to change a setting from console: After the game starts, hit the ~ tilde key to bring down console Type the following or change the number to anywhere upto 3/4 of memory available. EG: if you have if you have 128 meg in your system, you can set it up to 96. /set com_hunkmegs 64 This only needs to be set once, as it is saved in a configuration file by rtcw. This setting will let RTCW allocate more memory for a map to load and will not make any maps run slower, quite the opposite. BACKGROUND ========== Cpt. J Smith, POW Personal Diary January 18, 1943, 21:15 Command has received information that this camp is being used as front for some sort of human experiments. The type of experiments are conducted here remains unknown but reportedly invovles some sort of maturation chambers used to mutate humans into super soldiers. Through the usual channels, they have sent information about the location of the facility. Originally, our plans were to dig a tunnel to the west of the camp to outside the main fence, but now we've decided to dig north to the research facility location. With any luck we can break through a wall into the facility with enough men to hold off any resistance. July 7, 1943, 1:02 Great news today, Command sent word that they have an operative replacing the train driver on the south line. He will be able to hold the train for 20minutes as the men escape the camp. This increases our chances considerably. Yesterday, the final stage of the tunnel to the research area was completed and the explosives readied. Tonight we will infiltrate the facility, Some of our men will create a diversion at the north gate and make their way to our location if they are able to sneak through. Once we're inside we must destroy the maturation chambers and locate the documents which will reveal detailed imformation about what Axis were planning. Once this is done, we must take the documents to the train station located to the south of the camp and sneak them, and as many pow's as we can onboard. Finally the truth will be known and many of us will have escaped to freedom, God be with us. Special functionality ===================== Random Documents Objective -------------------------- The Documents are placed randomly in one of the four labs at the beginning of the match. To provide for more varied gameplay each match. Taps give health ---------------- All taps and showers in the map when turned on can give out 5 health at 3 second intervals. Water supply pump destructable ------------------------------ Either Axis or ally team can destroy the water pump with TNT located at the south-east of the camp. All taps in the facility will then not function for the remainder of the match. Alternate route out of the camp ------------------------------- The General's car can be pushed down the hill and will crash through the fence, providing an alternate route out. Known bugs ========== None :D SPECIAL THANKS ============== First of all to the Wolfy staff, without your constant feedback and testing, this map wouldn't be half what it is today. Thanks to the staff at http://rtcwfiles.com, especially SubWolfer and Korn Warrior. Also thanks to the tram guys Osias, Halister, Tunnleram, OGG servers and everyone else for taking the time to setup, run and test the map, big hugs! And Demoneye, you tha man! If I missed anyone, I'm also truely thankfull for everyone's input! Copyright ========= This level is Copyright(c) 2002 Wolfy v0.2. You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks. You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.