=================================== RTCW - Mountain Assault Read Me =================================== For any additional info, visit my website: http://www.nibsworld.com/rtcw or email nib@nibsworld.com ---Installation--- Unzip the mtn_assault.zip file to your "C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\Main" folder. DO NOT extract the pk3 file or it will not work. ---General Information--- Version: 1.0 Title: Mountain Assault - NOTE: This map is playable in SW and MP modes ONLY Filename: mtn_assault.pk3 which includes: all files necessary to run this map Author: nib Email address: nib@nibsworld.com Credits: - Nerve and id for making the game - Rummie - Thanks for all your help, couldn't have done it without you. - Tunnleram for running TramDesgn (http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/tramdesign), a valuable resource for wolf mappers - The Timelord group for beta testing the map - Mike Poole (and friends) for a second closed beta test ---Play Information--- Game Description: The Allies have finally found the secret German communications center in the Wendelstein mountain range. The allies must take this communications center out. - Allied Primary Objectives: Destroy the Radio tower, destroy the radio equipment and destroy the radar room - Allied Secondary Objectives: Capture forward deployment, infiltrate the sewer entrance and destroy the garage door switch to ensure easy access to the compound. - Axis Primary Objectives: Defend all communications equipment (Radio tower, Radar room and radio equipment) - Axis Secondary Objectives: Protect sewer entrance, defend the forward deployment zone and ensure garage door stays closed to defend against the allies having easy access to the compound. Game Type(s): MP and SW modes Number of Teams: 2, Axis and Allies. Recommended # of Players: 15-30 ---Map Information--- New Textures: Yes New Sounds: Yes ---Construction--- Base: None Editor(s) used: GTK Radiant (and q3map 2.0.1) Compile Machine: AMD 600, 392 megs RAM Compile time: Full vis, with light extra: 11 Hours ---Known Bugs--- There are a couple known issues: - Around the main entrance and around the underwater tunnle entrance there are some sparkles in the terrain seams - In the main entrance archway, on the right there are some sparkles at the seam. (For the nit-picky tech weenies: I assure you this seam was done correctly and there are no t-juncs there but the sparkles still show up - go figure) - Some red light leaks under the lookouts. - You must be running 1.33 to see the smoke coming from the crashed vehicle on the main bridge - Terrain patches: There are 3 pieces of terrain that aren't blended correctly. This is because I have 3 different terrain textures coming together and that is a no-no. However, I felt these were acceptable to get the additional textures on the terrain. It was a concious trade-off. - r_speeds: The r_speeds at the allied spawn are a touch high (20-22K). I don't expect much fighting there so it shouldn't affect gameplay. ---Additional Info--- Other maps: The Bunker ---Copyright-Permissions-------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This file may not be distributed with any modifications. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my explicit permission.