DEMONEYE MAPS - THE DELIVERY - PUBLIC BETA. ============================================================================== Description : Multiplayer Dual Objective map for RTCW Title : The Delivery Date : 21st May, 2003 pk3 name : mp_delivery_beta.pk3 Author : DeMoNeye Email Address : ICQ : 146666266 MSN : Base : New level from scratch New sounds? : Yes NEW Graphics? : Yes Editor used : GTK Radiant 1.3.7 Dev Compiler : Q3MAP 2.5.4 FEEDBACK ======== As this is a pre-release public beta. If there are any issues please email/ICQ/MSN me with details. Screen shots of problems would be of great use too. INSTRUCTIONS ============ Extract the file "mp_delivery_beta.pk3" to your rtcw/main folder. To start a server select "The Delivery" option from the map list in game. BACKGROUND ========== This map has taken about a year to produce in total, and is 100% all my own work. "The delivery has been made, but the Allies strike and steals one of the two packing cases. The Axis are now left with only one option, destroy the stolen case. The Allies take the same approach." FEATURES ======== Drop down/retractable ladders can be found at four points throughout the map. Using these will change the routes that are available through the map drastically. The foundry contains a forward deployment flag. Access doors outside the foundry can only be opened/closed from the foundry side - again, these will change the routes that are available through the map drastically. The elevators can only be controlled from the top floor. When you press the button, the elevator will start to move up and down. Press it again and the elevator will stop at the next floor it arrives at. Just outside the foundry machine room on the top level you'll find the security monitors, that allow you to watch the two packing cases. 32 spawns points have been included for the both the Allies and the Axis, and the level been designed for at least 16v16 for best gameplay. KNOWN BUGS ========== None. SPECIAL THANKS ============== Damn, so many people to mention... CacaBunny - The man who saved my sanity many times - thanks man. Dacrow - my unofficial archiver, without whom this map would never have happened. Halister - Someone who I regularly bounce ideas off. The CCM Crew - They've helped make the map what it is today. And the rest in no particular order... Tunnelram, Oasis, Damocles, Hummer, PDM, SCDS_ReyalIP, Fiesling, All the guys at Tram Design, All the guys at CCM... Damn, too many to mention - you know who you are - thanks guys... Copyright ========= This level is Copyright(c) 2003 DeMoNeye You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks. You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.